The Mandala word comes from Sanskrit and means “What holds together“. It is a circle that symbolises the cosmo and the circle of life. It is formed by a centre and drawings that flow into it. In the Orient, it is linked to the art of meditation, in fact, it is used to focus on the “centre of life”.

Creating mandalas with magnetic tile encourages
cognitive stimulation as it expands kids' knowledge and vocabulary. It encourages kids to identity colours, geometric shapes and patterns involved in making a mandala
concentration children will focus on matching mirroring colours and shapes
strengthening hand-eye coordination
training the mind to recognise shapes
Activity idea: Ask your little ones to make a mandala and name all the shapes and colours in their mandala. Make different sized mandalas as well.
Mandala designs & inspiration
For more mandala ideas see: Mandala Art cards

For further inspiration you can get the Mandala Art cards from our online store
Visit the JC Ingenium or Magblox online store to get your set of magnetic tiles